Today we tell a tale of a day that Hollie Stevens will not at any time forget...In the morning rush to receive coffee, parking lots in Los Angeles can acquire very packed...bad moods abound in the cars whose drivers have not yet fully woken...Soma and Hollie are the one and the other searching for a spot...By all true rights, Soma had dibs on the space...she waited for the other driver to back out...but Hollie pulled right in....Soma is not cheerful and Hollie is unphased...she flips Soma off with a what-are-you-gonna-do attitude...Soma takes down her license info and makes a call to her boys...Hollie's coffee didn't do much for her, coz solely hours later, Hollie is napping animalism her house...This is when they come and remove her...taped, gagged, stripped...tied widen and nude in the ottoman of a truck and driven to Soma's place...This is just the beginning...Taken inside, bound and groped, Hollie can't make no doubt of what's happening to her...Then Soma plays with her...punishes her...humiliates her...tied in a wheelchair, Hollie is poked to her last destination...Soma has prepared her own beautician to assist...Hollie won't forget the lesson of the day...When u piddle off the Goddess, u lose your fucking beautiful blond hair...Hey, It's just a story folks. Hollie is a great actor and volunteered for the head shaving shoot...Thanks much to Soma and Boi for their interpretation of a classic story.
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