Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

Release Year: 2015
Studio: Captivechrissymarie

Today is the 1st day of my formal submissive enforcement, and I have no idea what to wait. I am collared and leashed with my nipps clamped and ordered to crawl around and chase my Master. He begins by having me undress for him, which I gladly do out of hesitation. Then this chab makes me acquire down on all fours with my booty towards him and smack myself over and over once more. He gives a decision I am not doing a fine sufficiently job and demonstrates to me how to properly smack myself for him. Then this guy gives me my hair brush and makes me bow over and proceed spanking myself, this time with the brush, which is shockingly greater quantity painful. I try not to groan likewise loud in suffering. I need to admit it is turning me on to to please Master with my submission, even though I am in ache. I feel myself getting soaked. Master notices that one of my nipp clamps fell off and this chab makes me re-attach it. Then this chab order me to taste em off of my nipps myself! I attempt this but it is so excruciating, I can merely manage to acquire one off. Master continues to pull off the other and pinch my nipps, that guy says next time that guy tells to do smth I more excellent do the entire task. He says we are done for the day, and sends me to crawl back to my cage, until this chab comes back to receive me for greater amount. One of the the protocol that Master gave to me was that I am not allowed to wear any raiment whilst in the abode. Unfortunately for me, that guy cant live without to run the air conditioning very cold in the evenings. Tonight, Master is engrosed in a recent book, and I am beginning to feel hungry, but I can't bear to think how cold it is in there right now. Since Master is distracted, I think I can receive away with wearing my robe just to warm up for a not many minutes. I should have known that guy would end up looking for a snack as well, it had been a during the time that since we the one and the other final ate a meal. I try to explain, but it is blatant I broke one of the almost any important limits Master put in place for me. I already know what this means, time to be punished. He ties my hands with rope above my head. I know when that guy does this the torture will be especially bad. He begins out by spanking me rough with the paddle. I cringe in suffering. He is not holding back in the least bit right from the begin. I can't assist but move and hop around from the stinging soreness. Master tells me to stay in place, but it's so intense not to move. I try the most good that I can. I think for a pont of time that since that guy is spanking me so rough, perhaps that will be the entire of my castigation tonight. Then this chab mentions that guy got a recent equipment for me this day, this chab didn't wait to receive to use it so pretty soon. He pulls out a lengthy riding crop and slaps my teat with it, which produces the majority excruciating soreness my teats have ever experienced. The fact that I have to endure 10 on every appears to be impossible. I could possibly even faint from how painful it is! I will definitely NOT be wearing anymore clothing in the abode after this training! In this part of the sub drill series, I return home from running a hardly any errands to discover that Master has prepared a lesson for me. Immediately upon entering this chab tells me it is time for drill and orders me to strip. I oblige and fold my clothing neatly on the floor. He orders me to pick em up and place em on the counter. Master explains to me this day this chab will be discipline me on the proper positioning of a sissy for different purposes. He will too be testing me along the way, and will be providing proper punishments based off my performance. He orders me to go retrieve my collar and present myself to him, fully wimp and willing for training.Master pulls out a riding crop animal play the starting of our control. Definitely one of his almost all torturous implements. I have flashbacks of the sharp intensive pang it brings as this guy slaps it across my incredibly sensitive teats. He instructs me into every position. Kneel, Floor, Punishment Position. He does quite a bit of cropping on the nipps in drill position, even bringing tears to my eyes, but I stay wimp, as I groan loudly with every firm slap of the crop. We move on to , and discipline , kneel & present, where once more, Master appears to have a high crave to cause me ache this day. He tests me some along the way, making sure I am paying full attention. The final position is the yield position, laying on my back, legs widen wide for dom, this guy crops my naked feet. My undressed cunt receives a lot of attention from the crop in this position, and I have to admit the quick slaps across my clitoris quickly aroused me. I love being underneath your dominate Master. He says it is now time for a maintenance torture so that I remember what I learned. Back into training , dom pulls out a cat and begins flagellation my arse and hips furiously until this guy comes to a conclusion that guy would rather have me in standing discipline position to finish off the drilling. At the end of the lesson, I am left kneeling, balancing the cat on the diminutive of my back and the crop betwixt my feet and red adult baby wazoo whilst Master prepares himself a .

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:33
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 8992kbps
Audio: 233kbps

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie

File size: 781.4 MB

Slave drilling part 1 captivechrissymarie