Kimberly has been late to the office nearly each day this week and to master it off, that babe urinated off a very important client this day. I still may fire her, but for now I'm going to administer an attitude adjustment. The video begins with me leading an already fastened and ballgagged Kimberly back to the storage area. I shove her over an old couch and spank her booty in advance of grabbing greater amount rope. I bind her legs around her upper and lower hips, as well as her calves and ankles. After her legs are absolutely and tightly fastened, I lift her up onto the sofa and taste her a-hole greater amount. I sit back and see her struggle for a during the time that, in advance of I return with greater amount rope. I use the rope to put Kimberly into a taut wrist and ankle bondage. I sit back one time another time to see her struggle... Kimberly is left on the ottoman to struggle in her wrist and ankle bondage for a bit, but she's trying to untie a knot, and we can't have that. I grab some twine and use it to tie her thumbs back. Next I roll her on her side and circumcised open her soft sweater and pull her titties out of her brassiere. I think about clamping em, but we'll expect for now. The final 2 to 3 minutes is Kimberly resistance play in her wrist and ankle bondage.
Format: mp4
Duration: 16:43
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 2907kbps
Audio: 125kbps
File size: 372.3 MB