I lead Freshie into the room by a handful of her hair. I poke her up against a post and order her to widen her legs, previous to smacking her shiny hose clad a-hole. I clasp my hand over her face hole as I proceed groping and manhandling her. Soon I am tightly belting a biggest red ballgag in her throat. Rope is bound into her pigtails, in advance of her elbows are tightly bound jointly. More ropes are wrapped and cinched around Freshies upper body, in advance of I pick her up and place her face down on a table. I taste her gazoo rough as this babe groans throughout her gag. Her gag is removed for now as I rope a spreader bar to her ankles. I tie the spreader bar to the post in front of her and I pull her upper torso to the post behind her. The ropes I fastened into her pigtails earlier are now bound to the ends of the spreader bar. This is where Part 1 ends.
Format: mp4
Duration: 18:15
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2917kbps
Audio: 125kbps
File size: 407.5 MB