I changed into my white slide and then put on some hose using the tail gate of a truck so that I could receive my feet off the ground. Ben fastened my hands jointly with a lengthy rope. He then pulled me by the wrists, leading me to the spot that guy thought would be the majority pleasure. I was led to this nice-looking tree, which I would be fastened to. He fastened my hands above my head in the sun. You could hear the birds chirping in the background and the sound a lawnmower scenting the air with the smell of freshly circumcised grass. I was definitely getting the spring is in the air, vibe. Ben Gagged me and returned a scarcely any minutes later to put a crotch rope on me. I usually don't do crotch ropes as they are somewhat tricky, but I was in the mood to do smth different and I guess that guy picked up on it. He let me struggle for a bit returning to tie my ankle in the air and behind me. I was left balancing on one naked foot. To make it even greater quantity interesting, this chab fastened a matching bandana across my eyes, effectively sight blocking me. I LOVE being fastened like this and blindfolded. Johnny loves to say the Eyes are the windows to the soul and when Im gagged my eyes speak for me, but I love the heightened awareness I receive from being blindfolded. The smell of spring is that much sweeter.
Format: mp4
Duration: 11:03
Video: 1440x1080, AVC (H.264), 2095kbps
Audio: 153kbps
File size: 182.5 MB