Cast: Juniper
Genres: POWER EXCHANGE, Bondage, Fetish
Juniper is one of these hotties that leaves u distracted after encounter her. She's so ravishing and avid. If u came in contact with her on a frequent basis you'd be thinking of how to acquire down her panties. Once we receive her in the interview seat we discover out what makes her tick. What types of things this babe cant live without sexually. Her masturbation schedule. She let us know this babe has merely been fastened up one time in her life. A BF from a pair of years agone. And now, cuz of that experience that babe craves greater quantity. She can't quit fantasizing about it. She takes some other sip of coffee and explains how that babe has at no time been gagged (the thought scares her), how this babe is nervous. That's when this babe is asked to remove her shirt.She is on her abdomen and shirtless. Her lengthy green petticoat hiding her red pants. Her Davy Crockett boots are still on. Her left arm is pulled up by the wrists behind her back, quite high, nearly to her neck --and it is bound off to her neck. Her other wrist is likewise behind her back and fastened to the elbow of the other arm. Her face is growing red from the pressure around her neck. One leg is doubled over onto itself and bound off. She is said to acquire back on her knees as most excellent this babe can. That's coz this babe now has some dong engulfing to do. I stand up to her face aperture and tell her to take it in. A pair of coughs later, a swallowing raw of soever was coming up, I grab the back of her head and her a adult baby further down. She nearly throws up. She appears to be a bit hesitant to me. Her face receives slapped with the 10-pounder. This all appeared to be rather distressful for her and we haven't even met Luther yet. She's said to acquire back on her stomach and she's gagged. After widening her legs that babe receives her 1st ever sex tool to the cum-hole. It merely takes moments in advance of this babe is breathing in halted, raspy breaths. Clearly this babe is moving into a zone this babe hasn't experienced previous to. The look on her face tells u it is in direct contact with what's taking place with her snatch. We hear her say, "Oh god." It was breathy and brimming with distraction, with need and want. She's beginning to lose track of space and time. I have to warn her not to do everything out of assent. I make her reiterate it back to me. But it's clear this hotty has no self-control. She pulls off 3 orgasms so fast that babe can't even talk. Afterward, I circumcised her pants from her body, then show her and make her smell the soiled spot in the crotch previous to stuffing em into her face aperture and taping em in. Then this babe is said to lay back on her arms and widen her legs. When I bring out a vacuum catheter for her clitoris that babe begins chanting, "Oh my god...Oh my god". Barely discernible. Once that catheter has her adult baby ramrod sucked up inside Big Black receives pushed into her gap and off we go toward one hell of a fucking for this beauty. Immediately this babe starts grunting and screaming out. You'd think that babe was running a 100 yard dash by the way that babe is trying to catch her breath. She told this babe loves 'em large. The whimpering, the crying, the desperation in the sounds that babe is making, the calling out to a higher vigour --yeah, she's getting stuffed. I wonder how her pants taste?She is absolutely undressed save for her snake skin heels. Her arms are fastened jointly behind her back. From the wrists all the way up to the shoulders, her arms are plastered jointly. Time for the Luther Meet ; Greet. To acquire started, I placed lit cigarettes into every nostril. She struggles with this, not quite just now telling me that babe didn't think this babe could do it. But with encouragement I have her begin things off with a lap dance for Luther. She's like, whose Luther? --puffs of smoke billowing from her throat that this babe keeps engulfing throughout her nose. With tears falling this babe acquires started with her dance. Her heels click and that babe coughs a scarcely any times as her lithe body receives into a groove Luther is starting to like. Then that babe is made to fuck Luther doggy style in advance of getting onto her knees to finish up the job with her face hole.Juniper is stripped. She is hanging by her ankles over 2 copper sheets. Her wrists are tied behind her back and fastened up to the chain supporting her. Her face is turning red from hanging upside down. She is just swinging there, awaiting. Her hair is just lengthy sufficiently to touch the floor underneath her head. She has her 1st ever teat clamps placed on her mangos. Before I really clothespin it down on her teat this babe begins in with that "Oh god" shit another time. And one time they are clamped down this babe let us out some despairing screams peppered with statements like, "Oh fuck!" and then just sobs. Crying sobs. She manages to pull herself jointly but it's clear her demeanor has now changed. As I start to hook up copper wiring to her teat clamps this babe starts to break down afresh. She just can't appear to be to stop crying now. It is as though this babe knows what's coming and feels defeated by it. When the electricity acquires turned on this babe loses it. If this babe appeared defeated previous to she's in an outright panic state now. Screaming doesn't quite acquire to the heart of it. Its greater amount than that. It's like that babe is being eviscerated. Her face is contorted from torment and terror and shock. She tries to lift her body up but can solely do so momentarily --she just can't acquire away from it. Even when the Hitachi hits her snatch the sobs come on even stronger --nothing appears to be to assuage the aversion, her predicament.We discover Juniper booty stripped and fastened into a frame work of bamboo poles, in a bit of a spread-eagle. One of her legs is tied back and upward, it's foot, the large and miniature toe of told foot fastened out in contrary directions. It's in a ideal place to be punished. A rope gag too keeps her head pulled backward during the time that the wazoo hook filling her bum is bound off tightly to her neck. A fuck stick is mounted in her muff. It is all recent to her. I begin off by checking to watch how ticklish this babe is. Her sequestered foot acquires it 1st, then the sides of her torso. I dig in and leave her screaming for lenience. It is unrelenting to the point that babe finds it impossible to hang on any longer. She supplicates for it to stop. So I do. Instead, I grab the thin wooden paint paddle and pop her on the servant of that sequestered foot. Her demeanor changed just now. It caused her to start crying, to begin sobbing within an instant. That one strike totally broke her down. It required no thing less than the Hitachi to bring her out of it. But one time it thrash her cookie this babe let me know that babe was a large fan of sextoys now. I warned her not to cum anew out of consent. It was clear this babe was quickly building to a need. Then that babe suddenly began begging for it. Pleading for approval. Denied. She even asked "pretty please?". She's humping that fuck stick now as most excellent that babe can as the vib hums away. She begins in with the begging another time and this time I let her know she'll need to ask me to slap that foot another time with the same flat piece of wood. She grows silent for a second or 2 previous to announcing: "Okay! Hit my foot again!" I let her know it is going to be much harder than the final but this babe craves that vagina cheerful and soaked. When that wood meets the submissive of her foot this time the shriek that comes from her face gap is profound. It is followed with heaving sobs. Complete loss of punishment. It reminds u of what these Middle-eastern sweethearts sound like when they are animal training the Wailing Wall. Is this babe even going to be able to have an agonorgasmos after that?
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 58:58
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 1379kbps
Audio: 156kbps
File size: 666.8 MB