Cast: Zayda J.
Genres: POWER EXCHANGE, Latex, Bondage, Humilation, Torture, Fetish
First we discover Zayda standing in the room wearing a shiny darksome latex shirt, latex thigh-high nylons, shiny dark PVC garter strap, blue pants and clear 7" heels. She is being tied into a box tie which receives bound off to the ceiling. Rope is tied above and beneath her latex encrusted torso. We see as that babe is being fastened, close-ups of her face and body. She already doesn't appear to like her binding. After her box tie is secured to the ceiling that babe is ring gagged. Afterward, a big rubber collar is placed around her neck and secured with a vigour drilling. The camera takes lengthy looks of Zayda being fastened, gagged and collared. Close-ups of her open throat, shiny latex and disconcerted stares fill the lens. She's beginning to drool. You can hear it when lengthy strings of it smack the floor. Yes, it's actually running from her face gap now, her tongue moving around in there trying to sop it up previous to it rolls out onto her chin previous to hanging in ever longer streams. The force enforcement completely freaked her out. I grab Airella and have Zayda French kiss her, tongue her plastic love muffins and cookie gap. Oops, there went greater quantity slobber thrashing the floor. Zayda wasn't animalism all shy about blow-up doll sex. Afterward, I tie her latex encrusted ankles out to every side in order to widen her wide. We discover the camera just watching her, her face up close, that tongue not ever seeming to stop moving in there. Does that babe discover the ring gag strange? Her chin has a constant stream of slobber running down it. She type of bobs around on her heels as that babe tries to acquire into some type of comfort zone. That's when I take a package of saran wrap and wrap her up from chest to foot, saving her head for later.Next we discover Zayda being interviewed. She is still tied in the way described previously, still wrapped in that saran wrap. The camera simply following her body from the feet to the head in one deliciously slow take. We hear her talking, or least trying likewise. She's telling us about what's she's been up likewise. You know, she's a college student. So I hear her telling me about some papers that babe is writing but I just can't understand her. Drool just keeps flowing from her ring gag as I ask her to iterate the story she's been trying to tell me yet once more. I end up just making her apologize to everybody for not being able to speak like a fucking conforming human being. After chiding her for her inability to speak clearly I make her tell us she'll do more good next time. Then I have her begin talking about her favourite raunchy position. Wow, did u just hear that wad of drool smack the floor. Jesus, the string running from her face hole not quite reaches the entire way to the floor. I love that. Anyway, u may discover her favourite raunchy position rather interesting. Mind u, she's merely had sex with one lad in her entire life. Well, time to circumcised her pants off. Which I did. And, wouldn't u know, there was a large stain in em. Of course, I showed this to her and asked for her explanation of it. Then I made her sniff it and tell me what it smelled like. "Pussy juice", that babe told. That's when I pushed the stain and the pants directly into her throat. Then I finished saran mummification her head. As I had her begin singing a song we'd not at any time understand I slapped a sextoy on her cookie. As is common with Zayda that babe begged to cum within seconds. Denied. I made her tell me how much that babe cant live without being a tying bitch. She just kept begging. I said her to think of a teach wreck. She let me know her wet crack was juicy, that this babe needed to cum right then. I made her hold it off though. After several minutes of resistance play and begging I gave her consent. It came on her like a freight teach. If this babe wasn't held up by the box tie she'd have thud the floor. Her legs were all shaky, bent animal play the knee and this babe was attempting to shriek throughout her ring gagged, panty infested throat as sounds of the crinkly saran wrap punctuated the air. Good Girl least until this babe let a 3rd agonorgasmos slide by out of asking for permission.Now we discover Zayda still wearing all of her shiny latex standing next to a vacuum sofa. First that babe parades herself all around the couch in advance of getting into it. She shows all of her sides previous to lastly giving us a large smile, squatting and getting into the bag. All the air is sucked out and what we discover is a ideal impression, a consummate representation of Zayda wearing her latex within the bag. Her garter, the latex nylons, the heels, her hair -everything in ideal relief, in flawless detail. We watch her breathing in there, trying to move a adult baby, testing the limits. I polish the latex up to an immaculate shine. It's as though this babe is some type of nice-looking latex alien in there. And when the Hitachi finds her vagina that babe exclaims. It was unexpected. She's moving around in there a lot greater quantity now. She's beginning to make crying sounds. Sounds that come out of her face hole with increasing frequency and consequence. They sound despairing. She's asking to cum now. She's asking a lot. Airella comes to a conclusion to acquire involved and we discover Zayda having blow-up doll sex anew. Did that babe spray in there?Next Zayda is tied in a wrist and ankle bondage on a wooden box. Her latex encrusted wobblers hanging over the end of the box. She is wearing all of the shiny latex as in the previous scenes. She has a hair tie in that keeps her head pulled up and back. The vaginal stimulator positioned within her snatch. Once the vigour is turned on that babe clearly let us me know she's animalism her restriction. That's when the ring gag is placed back in her throat. She is quite helplessly tied in the wrist and ankle bondage, on the box, with her scoops hanging off the end. Her hair tie keeping her face directly in view. The mascara she's been wearing clearly running down her cheeks. She's in for a adult baby torture now. The electricity is turned up higher and this babe begins to cry, to screech out. She's not going anywhere as I talk to her in a mad, disconnected manner. Her drool is running from her face hole afresh in lengthy, juicy streams. I make her tell me about her vagina, what it feels like, how moist it is. She tells me she's concupiscent so I stick the Hitachi to her box and watch what sort of reaction I can acquire. She just now screams out. She is totally trapped in her predicament. She can't even look around to watch what I am doing. I keep making her reiterate what I tell her as I keep the vibration to her cum-hole on high. When I tell her to ask me to turn up the electricity in her vagina this babe cries. She screams out louder. She doesn't crave that. The drool is so copious now, her tears running down her face. She is begging to cum but acquires no permission for it. She's a mess. She is truly screaming out, "I NEED TO CUM!!". Denied. This was the specie discharged here folks. She is absolutely broken down to her absolute exposed elements. This beautiful woman now has mascara running all over her face, snot coming from one as well as the other nostrils and drool all over her chin and floor as even greater quantity fluids race from her facial orifices. And all this babe can do animal training this point is ask to cum. Plead for approval to cum. She is totally and wholly broken down animal play this point. She is exasperated. She is heaving now. When that babe is lastly given consent to have an agonorgasmos it comes on so powerful this babe sprays all over the box, her slobber is running not solely from the lower lip but from the upper as well. Tears stream down her face to catch up with the snot running from every nose aperture. And that babe is cumming. Cumming rough. Cumming in spite of herself. She is broken and the smell of spray fills the air.The final thing for Zayda is an exit big o, I mean an exit interview. She's on all fours, doggy style as the ITA fucking machine pounds away on her. This is where this babe tries to tell us about her day here. Of course, that fucking machine makes that very difficult for her.
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 56:49
Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1953kbps
Audio: 62kbps
File size: 841.0 MB